"I am 5O years of age, the CEO of Standard Chartered in Guernsey and proud Founder and Chairman of the cancer charity, Male Uprising in Guernsey (www.mug.gg).
I had a hearing test over 10 years ago after my wife complained of "selective" hearing loss !. The tests confirmed high pitch frequency deafness in both ears. I went to see Mario and the team at AHS then. He was the consummate professional; thorough, helpful and sensitive to my predicament. I was fitted with hearing aids which clearly were going to be beneficial but being the vain 40 year old, semi grey guy that I was back then couldn't adjust to the reality of wearing the aids.
Mario was extremely understanding and accepting of my personal decision, continued to give me sensible and in hindsight proper advice but to cut a long story short I refrained from having to wear necessary hearing aids for a further 10 years. My decision. My mistake. Now SO, fully grey, no longer vain in any way and honest with myself ( 10 years down the line from when I should have been )I was re tested and sure enough my hearing had got worse and I decided this time that given the mindset of my charity with it's focus on pro activity and "getting checked out" with health issues I was fitted my Oticon hearing aids. Again the service and delivery standards of Mario and Jane were exceptional. Timely, thorough, caring, the aids have been a revelation.
I CANNOT believe the difference they have made to my life , both personally and professionally. They are discrete, no one knows I have them in and my interaction with people has improved no end. No more asking people to repeat things time and time again or having the tv remote or car radio on full blast. My message is simple. Please do not make the mistake that I made and deprive yourself of the gift of good hearing for 10 years ( maybe and undoubtedly more) by not having the foresight and honesty with yourself to do the right thing at the right time. Get checked and if you need aids then get them. As for AHS I cannot speak too highly of them. Simply exceptional. I would not hesitate to recommend them as I already have in abundance to everyone who has noticed how much better my hearing seems to be.
Go on ... you know it makes sense.
Dear Mario
What a wonderfully thorough, informative, valuable consultation you afforded me today, thank you very much indeed.
Not only is the effectiveness of my two hearing aids wonderfully improved, but also my understanding of the brain's interpretation of audible intelligence has been sharpened and extended
The bad news is that in the next 8 years my remnant hearing will further deteriorate and there is nothing that can be done about that
The good news is that while we have Mario Cavagnetto available to us on the island we could not wish for a more assiduous and dedicated consultant to whom to turn for help.You are a gifted communicator
Thank you so much. It was good to have time together
Dear Mr Cavagnetto
I would just like to thank you for recommending that I have my hearing looked at by a specialist as you thought there was more that could be done for me than just an ordinary hearing aid.
You were right! After seeing the specialist it seems I might be a good candidate for a BAHA type hearing aid and am now waiting to go to Portsmouth at the end of February to see if they agree.
Which I think they might, as I got on really well with the one on a band that they let me try. It was strange to wear it behind my left ear which has no hearing and be able to hear as well as with my hearing aid in my right ear that I wear now
So thank you again for all you have done for me as this shows how you care for your Patients and want the best for them. I will let you know how I got on
Dear Mario,
Many thanks for your time and patience over the past months. My hearing is now so wonderfully clear. I couldn't get on with my old aids, they didn't seem to fit properly and I couldn't hear well! It's wonderful to hear again! God bless you and your further good work.